Latest News & Updates
Major Victory for Automotive Franchising
TACC is pleased to announce significant enhancements to Australia’s franchising regulations that will directly benefit our members. These important measures represent the culmination of years of persistent advocacy by TACC, the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) and other state Motor Trades Associations. Our collective efforts have successfully resulted in regulatory changes that will create a fairer and more competitive environment for all businesses regulated under the Franchising Code of Conduct. Key Achievements in Our Advocacy Efforts After extensive consultation with government officials and industry stakeholders, we have secured several critical enhancements: 1. Extended Protections from Unfair Practices TACC members will benefit significantly from the [...]
Ultimate common rail Diagnostic course
The UCRD is an all makes diesel diagnostics course covering the location, function, operation, and diagnostics strategies of vital components of a common rail diesel (CRD) engine. Presented Clinton Brett a Diesel Fuel Injection Specialist with 30 plus years experience will enhance your diagnostics ability by providing you with an understanding of what you’re diagnosing and why. Course Overview Explanation of common rail diesel engine operation Types of common rail diesel fuel systems Identify system components and location Component operation and case studies of known failures Explanation of testing Bosch pressure regulators Diagnostic and repair solutions for intake, turbo, EGR [...]