Automotive Electric Vehicle Training – Stage 1 Safety

Electric vehicle safety course

TACC is offering a course in depowering and reinitialising battery
electric vehicles. Completing this first stage will provide the necessary
training to allow individuals to access repair information relating to
high voltage automotive systems.

Participants will learn how to safely depower the vehicle’s high voltage
rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) and separated extra low
voltage (SELV) system and to reinitialise the RESS and SELV,
confirming correct vehicle operation.

This course is for those working in the automotive industry, including
service and repair sector workers, towing operators and dismantlers of

Locations: Launceston and Hobart

Duration: One day

Schedule: Launceston: Tuesday 18 June  |   Hobart: Thursday 20 June

Cost: TACC members: $795  |   Non-TACC members $1350

If you have any questions call:

Skills Development Centre on 03 9829 1114