Major Victory for Automotive Franchising

TACC is pleased to announce significant enhancements to Australia’s franchising regulations that will directly benefit our members. These important measures represent the culmination of years of persistent advocacy by TACC, the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) and other state Motor Trades Associations.

Our collective efforts have successfully resulted in regulatory changes that will create a fairer and more competitive environment for all businesses regulated under the Franchising Code of Conduct.

Key Achievements in Our Advocacy Efforts

After extensive consultation with government officials and industry stakeholders, we have secured several critical enhancements:

1. Extended Protections from Unfair Practices

TACC members will benefit significantly from the extension of protections from Unfair Contract Terms and Unfair Trading Practices to all businesses regulated by the Franchising Code. This includes businesses selling new motor vehicles, motorcycles, farm machinery and tractors as well as franchised motor vehicle repairers.

This reform is particularly valuable for our automotive industry members, as it means any sector regulated by the Code will receive protections from unfair contract terms without having to demonstrate they fall within the existing turnover and employee caps that apply to the UCT legislation.

2. Strengthened Enforcement Powers with New Funding

We have successfully advocated for increased enforcement resources, with the Government allocating $7.1 million over two years (2025-26) to strengthen the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) enforcement of the Franchising Code of Conduct.

This funding will boost enforcement actions against irresponsible practices and enhance the ACCC’s engagement and education activities, ensuring that the protections we’ve fought for are properly implemented.

3. Practical Adjustment to Vehicle Efficiency Standards

In response to industry feedback, the Government will count emissions under the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard at the point of sale, rather than when a vehicle is imported to Australia. This practical adjustment better reflects the realities of automotive retail operations.

Continuing Our Advocacy Work

TACC sees these enhancements as part of a broader effort to address power disparities in business relationships. We will continue to represent our members’ interests in two key upcoming regulatory reviews:

  • A statutory evaluation of the 2022 Unfair Contract Terms amendments, scheduled to commence in late 2025
  • Industry consultation regarding the potential extension of Unfair Trading Practices protections to the small business sector

These achievements demonstrate the effectiveness of TACC’s ongoing advocacy work and our commitment to creating a fair operating environment for our members. We encourage all members to stay informed about these important developments through our regular updates.

For more detailed information, members can access the MTAA’s complete media release Here

Not Yet a TACC Member? Join Today!

These significant regulatory achievements demonstrate the power of collective advocacy through TACC. If you operate in the automotive industry and are not yet a TACC member, now is the perfect time to join.

By becoming a TACC member, you’ll gain:

  • Immediate access to these new protections and industry developments
  • Expert guidance on navigating complex regulatory requirements
  • A strong voice representing your business interests to government
  • Valuable networking opportunities with industry peers
  • Exclusive access to specialised training and resources

Don’t miss out on the benefits of these hard-won industry protections. Join TACC today and ensure your business has the support it needs to thrive in a competitive marketplace.